There have been a number of women who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic both in their personal and professional lives as well as in their online work. This study is aimed at investigating the impact of congruence between supervisor-person values and supervisor-organization values on women's work-family balance in hybrid working environments and the impact of this on their work-family balance at work. We have collected 111 completed surveys from working women in Malaysia using a survey tool. It has been found that working overtime and getting to work on time interfere with personal responsibilities at home and interfere with time management. When supervisors are unaware of the fact that there are times when personal/family demands trump work, an incongruence of person-supervisor value occurs. The incongruence between person-organizational values always occurs when an organization does not provide a work arrangement that works for people who have personal/family responsibilities as well as the needs of the company. It has already been found in previous studies that congruent relationships between individuals and organizations, or between employees and their supervisors, can have a profound influence on the outcomes of work, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and stress levels. According to our study, a congruent approach to both the supervisor and employee values (person-supervisor and employee-organization) will lower the risk-taking behavior, especially when reducing conflict between work and home life.
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In-Text Citation: (Shaari et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Shaari, R., Sarip, A., & Shaari, S. (2022). Work-family Balance and Hybrid Working Environment for Women: An Agenda. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 1649– 1655.
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