International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Three Perspectives for Managing Multiethnic As Racial Integration Guarantee in Malaysia Under The Federal Constitution

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Malaysia is unique because of its multi-ethnic composition. This has been the backbone of daily life for every ethnic that are free to practise its own cultures and customs. The racial relations in Malaysia has become an interesting topic that always represents a unity symbol and subject for discussion and political campaigns. Today, racial unity has become susceptible as it has been made the basis for hate speech and actions. However, everyone must understand that the discussion on a balanced multi-ethnic community should be based on the highest authority in the country i.e. the Federal Constitution of Malaysia, which governs the interests of all parties in the country. This paper aimed at discussing the perspectives of managing the multiethnic/ multi-ethnic community in the framework of the Federal Constitution. This paper adopted qualitative research method based on library research design. Data were collected from books, articles and newspapers related to multiethnic/ multi-ethnic community and management of racial relations in Malaysia. The data were then analysed using descriptive analysis and arranged based on themes. This paper found out that there are three perspectives for understanding the arrangement of multiethnic/ multi-ethnic community in Malaysia. They are the special rights of the Malays which are protected under Article 153, (ii) the protection of the non-Bumiputera, and (iii) political accommodation in the administration of the nation. As a conclusion, the Federal Constitution of Malaysia does provide constitutional protection or guarantee for each and every race. Thus, this protection should always be observed, respected and referred to in managing racial relations and issues in Malaysia.
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