International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Self Supervision Using Hisbah Practise among Lecturers

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This study was conducted to see the level of self-monitoring of lecturers at the Higher Education Center using the hisbah approach. The practice of hisbah is a practice of internal supervision that acts as al-amr bi ma'ruf wa al-nahi mungkar (calling towards goodness and preventing evil). The objective of this study is to identify the level of self-monitoring of lecturers using self-assessment in the teaching and learning process. The study sample consisted of 25 lecturers at the University of Melaka using a questionnaire. The study is seen from the six elements of hisbah, namely musyaratah (agreement of the heart), muraqabah (observation of behavior), muhasabah (calculation of practice), muraqabah (spiritual affirmation), mujahadah (resistance to lust) and muatabah (affirmation of the soul). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 12.0. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the study data. Findings show that lecturers' self-assessment practices are at a high level. Therefore, every lecturer should have self-awareness to help them in the practice of hisbah in teaching and learning.
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