International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Antecedent of Online Shopping Adoption among Users in Malaysia: The Moderating Effect of Gender

Open access
Online shopping is a critical activity when the covid19 pandemic strikes. It is due to the use of information technology can reduce the risk of being infected by the covid19 virus. The use of information technology is an important medium to support social distancing. However, the rejection of the use of information technology during pandemics will hamper government efforts to curb the covid19 pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to identify the role of gender in moderates the relationship between behavioural intention and online shopping adoption during the movement control order (MCO). This study is a quantitative study and data were collected using a questionnaire instrument. The total number of respondents for this study is 280 respondents. The results of the study found that gender does not play a significant role as a moderator of the relationship between perceived behavioral control and the intention to use online shopping.
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