The rise of students with “Student power” in the 1960s and 1970s has coloured world politics. Many national leaders fell due to student movements, such as De Gaulle in France and Sukarno in Indonesia, as well as in Thailand and South Korea. The influence of students and their associations in the homeland also contributes to or colours Malaysian politics. The series of demonstrations that are organized, whether related to issues in the country or abroad, get the attention of the people and the government. An influential student association at that time was the University of Malaya Student Union (PMUM). Departing from the premises, movements, and actions of PMUM, especially during involvement in PMUM from 1972–1974 The actions of PMUM are often aimed at the interests of the Socialist Club and the struggle for socialism in the homeland. After a series of protests that irritated the government, the government finally passed the Universities and Colleges Act 1971 (AUKU 71), which binds the student movement. As a result, the students' movement was completely paralysed when AUKU 71 was amended by the University and University College Act 1975 (AUKU 75). The status of the student association was lowered to that of a high school association; for example, the Universiti Malaya Student Association (PMUM) was changed to the Student Representative Council (MPP). Since then, all student association activities must be approved by the Student Affairs Division (HEP). AUKU 75 achieves the government's desire to curb student movement, but the effect is not only on student associations but on students as a whole.
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In-Text Citation: (Yacob et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yacob, K., Omar, R., & Liaw, J. O. H. (2022). The Role of The Socialist Club Influences The Students in The University. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 1238– 1244.
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