International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Research Status and Development Trend of the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Visual Analysis Based between 2012-2022

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The theory of planned behavior has been widely used in several behavioral fields of research and has been proven to have good behavioral explanatory power. In order to investigate the current status and development of the theory of planned behavior, this paper sort to find out its trends in the past 10 years. This study is based on 7437 theoretical literatures on the theory of planned behavior from 2012 to 2022 collected in the core collection of the Web of Science (WOS) database and uses CiteSpace’s bibliometric visualization software to study the number of articles, countries /regions, and authors of the collected data whereby to summarize the research based on the theory of planned behavior. Keyword co-occurrence, burst analysis, literature co-citation, and timeline map were used to analyze the research hotspots and frontier trends in the field of theory of planned behavior. The results show that the research literature on the theory of planned behavior increases year by year from 2012 to 2022. The country with the highest number of publications is the United States, followed by China, but a core group of authors has not yet been formed. The main research hotspots are in the areas of health promotion and environmental behavior, business and consumer behavior, and analytical studies of the theory. Future research trends are in the area of business and consumer behavior, with a focus on green consumption and pro-environmental behavior. In summary, this study provides a bibliometric review of the research literature on the theory of planned behavior over the past 10 years. The areas of business and green consumption and pro-environmental behavior serve as research trends, and interested researchers can pay further attention to relevant research in this area. Overall, the analysis demonstrates that the theory of planned behavior is essential for understanding and predicting human behavior, which enables a vast array of applications.
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In-Text Citation: (Ye et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ye, C., Ma’rof, A. A., Abdullah, H., Hamsan, H. H., Zhang, L., & Wu, Q. (2022). Research status and Development trend of the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Visual Analysis Based between 2012-2022. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 1219– 1237.