Counterproductive workplace behaviour is a global problem, and its antecedents have been extensively researched. However, managers and academics have rarely focused on employees' early experiences at work. It is for this reason that this research examined the relationship between the employee onboarding experience and counterproductive workplace behaviour. The study drew from social exchange theory and utilised partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to test the direct and mediation effects based on data from 318 academics from public polytechnics in Northwestern Nigeria. The results revealed a significant and negative direct effect of the onboarding experience on counterproductive work behaviour. As expected, affective commitment mediated the relationship, and the mediating role was partially significant. Our results contribute to the earlier studies that have predominantly examined the effects of onboarding experience on some positive job-related outcomes. As a result of our current research findings, the literature on deviant workplace behaviour and organisational socialisation has been expanded. It further offered empirical support for social exchange theory to explain counterproductive workplace behaviour in a specific context. Additionally, the study offers insights to the policymakers and management of polytechnics in Nigeria on the need to curb deviant behaviours by introducing new or enhancing the existing onboarding training program. Recommendations and implications for future studies were also discussed
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, U. S. G., Yusof, R., & Ibrahim, H. I. (2022). Employee Onboarding Experience: An Antidote for Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 1146– 1166.
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