Homestay programme is getting popular among tourists and plays an important role to promote local cultural economy. Homestay programme is a normal form of community-based tourism that offers tourists and local communities to experience local lifestyle and heritage culture. One of the interesting culture is paddy field activities which are currently getting sidelined due to urbanisation. This has resulted villagers especially youth lose their attachment and values on this activity. This paper aims to explore attachment among youth in rural areas to paddy field activities in homestay programmes. This study also identifies type of activities related to paddy field that is suitable for homestay as well as for daily lives. Data was gathered using observation and semi-structured interview from three different homestays in Kedah, Malaysia which is Homestay Kg. Pantai Jamai, Homestay Kg. Jeruju and Homestay Kg. D’Belimbing. Finding of study shows that there were several activities that attached youth to get involved in paddy field activities including activities within nature-based environment setting and activities within man-made settings.
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In-Text Citation: (Samsudin et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Samsudin, P. Y. bt., Chairiyah, R., Arshard, W. N. R. M., & Ahmad, S. (2022). Making Places: Youth Attachment towards Rice Field Activities in Creating a Sense of Place in Malaysia’s Homestays. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 1047– 1055.
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