International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Privacy Protection Analysis of Privacy Paradox on Social Media

Open access
Social media, modern information, and communication approach has created a platform for people to communicate and acquire information with close contact and a large amount of information, shaping a new form of interpersonal communication. However, there are growing public concerns about the privacy leak caused by social media, and the ensuing privacy paradox problem occurs one after another. Based on this definition of privacy in social scenarios, the research finds that the phenomenon of privacy paradox is related to self-disclosure psychology, privacy concern, and risk perception in the process of using social software, such as weibo, facetime, weixin, etc. And then from the perspective of users, the privacy paradox in this paper analyzes the current dilemma such as the contradiction between public and private boundaries, the contradiction between digital memory and deletion, the contradiction between communication situation and social identity, the contradiction between perceived risk and interest impact, and puts forward some suggestions on privacy protection in social media at the end of the article. It is hoped that it can serve as a reference for social media privacy protection work.
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