International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Bay‘ah Practice by Pas Election Candidates According to The Perspective of Siyasah Shar‘iyyah

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Bay‘ah is a faithful promise to obey the leader and be ready to carry out the leader’s instructions either when he wants to or when he has to. Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (Malaysian Islamic Party-PAS) is one of the political parties in Malaysia that has made Islam as the basis of its movement. PAS has made bay‘ah mandatory for all their candidates who will contest in the election to pledge allegiance. It is an expression of loyalty to God, the Messenger and the party leadership, so that their representatives do not betray the trust they have been entrusted with. The main objective of this article is to evaluate the validity of the bay‘ah practiced by PAS according to the perspective of siyasah shar‘iyyah.
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