International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of Generic Strategies’ Influence on Competitiveness of Equity Bank Limited in Kenya

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Commercial Banks are encountering enormous competition from their rival financial firms.. To avoid death of commercial bank due to lack market,logical application of generic strategies is a must so that they remain competitive in the market. This research project has sought to analyze the influence of generic strategies on the competitiveness of Equity Bank Ltd, Kenya.The results from data analysed depicts that cost leadership strategy influence on competitiveness of Equity Bank Ltd in Kenya is reducing . Similarly, the influence of market segmentation strategy on competitiveness of Equity Bank Ltd is giving the Bank a good status towards winning it's business rivals.Moreover , the influence of focus strategy on the competitiveness of Equity Bank Ltd in Kenya is low .To conclude, the Equity bank Ltd in Kenya should incorporate thoroughly the sub- variables of cost leadership, differentiation and focus strategy as indicated by the conceptual framework of this researched project so as to gain more competitiveness.I recommend Equity Bank Ltd, Kenya to strengthen cost leadership and focus strategies' formulation and implementation process.Meanwhile , Equity bank Ltd should revise generic strategies so as to be more competitive globally. Meanwhile the government of Kenya should revise its policies to give longer working hours in the banking hall to reduce effects of long wait time,.Further research is needed in future on this same topic but on a global scale amidst worst scenarios like covid19 restrictions.
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In-Text Citation: (Nyaga & Njoroge, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Nyaga, N. J., & Njoroge, B. (2022). Analysis of Generic Strategies’ Influence on Competitiveness of Equity Bank Limited in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 923– 950.