International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Impact of Work Ethics on Job Satisfaction in Malaysian Organisations

Open access
A sturdy work ethic embodies certain ideas that guide their work and behaviour that encourage employees to produce great work constantly and the output motivates them to continue to be on track. This study examines the relationship between work ethics and job satisfaction among employees from business organisations. The study employed a quantitative methodology and distributed an online survey to 190 respondents between the ages of 20 and 50 representing a number of disciplines from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Data collection and the testing of the study questions used a simple random sampling technique. The research instruments were adapted from (Boretti, 2013; Bellingham, 2011). Questionnaires were distributed over emails and social media platforms. To assess the reliability and investigate the relationship between the variables, SPSS software vs.27 was employed.
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