International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Organisational Culture: Reviewing the Conceptual and Importance of Organisational Culture

Open access

Nurul Farhana Nasir, Muhammad Nur Firdaus Nasir, Mutiiah Mohamad, Muhammad Arif Nasir, Shazwani Mohd Salleh, Nor Aizan Mohamed

Pages 852-859 Received: 11 Oct, 2022 Revised: 13 Nov, 2022 Published Online: 14 Dec, 2022
Building trust throughout an organisation is not an easy task. Generally, it takes a longer time to build trust and culture in an organisation. As the nature of the market atmosphere grows more competitive, the role of organisational culture has developed more meaningfully recently. In the context of this concern, this study seeks to discuss the concept of organisational culture and why organisational culture is important. Apart from that, this article discusses the effects of organisational culture and how to cultivate culture in the organisations.
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