International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Gear Up 2.0: The Effectiveness of Using Molecule Technique to Improve Writing Skill for Year 4: A Case Study

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Writing skill is one of the most arduous skills to learn compared to other skills like listening, speaking, or reading. Hence, Gear Up 2.0: Molecules Technique was introduced to young learners. This case study was carried out in a primary school, with an experimental design involving 36 participants from Year 4. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of using the Molecules technique to improve pupils’ skills in writing simple sentences and to understand the pupils’ perceptions towards the use of the Molecules technique to improve writing skills. Data was obtained through a questionnaire. The outcome of this study proves that the Gear Up 2: Molecule Technique is very effective for beginner English as a Second Language (ESL) Malaysian primary school pupils. The pupils show positive perceptions towards the use of the Molecule Technique in the writing of simple sentences.
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