International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determining Conceptions of Assessment among In-Service Secondary School Teachers

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The implementation of assessments by teachers in the classroom and how students study are both influenced by their ideas about assessment, which is crucial to the teaching and learning process. Despite there are few numbers of conceptions of assessment studies, similar studies in the local context are scarce. The purpose of this quantitative study is to disclose secondary school teachers’ conceptions of assessment. In the study, there are four variables under the conceptions of assessment which are an improvement, school accountability, student accountability, and irrelevance. Improvement, school accountability, student accountability, and irrelevance are the four elements that make up the study's conceptions of assessment. A total of 80 secondary school teachers in a single district of Selangor participated in this study. Based on the findings, the conception of improvement has the highest level of participant agreement. School accountability, on the other hand, received the lowest level of agreement. A MANOVA analysis was utilized to scrutinize any effects of years of teaching and gender differences on participants' perceptions. The findings of the analysis revealed that neither years of teaching nor gender made a significant difference in participants' conceptions of assessment. The results of this study is hoped to give a clearer picture to all stakeholders in education in regards to the teachers’ conception of assessment especially in the secondary school assessment. It is suggested that future research could add a qualitative method to uphold a more significant result in the study of conceptions of assessment among school teachers.
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