This study looks at the Mantle of the Expert (MoE), an inquiry-based approach to teaching English to university students. It investigates how the students received the implementation and highlight prospective benefits for the teaching and learning procedures. The three pedagogical pillars that form the foundation of MoE are expert framing, drama for learning, and inquiry-based learning. This research employed the approach of university students to ascertain if technology and MoE can be combined and examine the educational framework that can raise students' interest in learning. The study included 29 students from a public institution in a state in Malaysia. A physical session and an online session were used to teach the lessons. A qualitative method was chosen using an interview and an observation. Many students had a good attitude toward the importance of using the Mantle of the Expert approach to language learning, particularly in terms of interests and technology use, according to the observational and interview data analysis. The findings of this study are anticipated to provide Malaysian instructors with a new pedagogical framework, resulting in significant changes in the experiences and attitudes of teachers and learners and in the ways that English is taught and acquired.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdul Samat et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Abdul Samat, N. A., Azmans, M. A. N., & Loganathan, R. (2022). First Year Undergraduate Student Acceptability of Mantle of the Expert Teaching Module. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 604– 617.
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