International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Investigating The Reading Strategy Used among Primary ESL Learners

Open access
“Language learning strategies (LLS)” is shown in studies to aid its process of learning English among the learners of “English as a second language (ESL)”. Nonetheless, a troubling number of students continue to struggle as ESL learners, even in urban areas. As a result, the goal of this preliminary study is about determination and investigation of the reading strategies that are used by “above average and below average learners” in primary school. The study included 70 year 5 pupils to an urban and national-type school in Johor, Malaysia. The “Young Learners' Language Strategy” uses Survey, which was adapted from “Cohen and Oxford's”, was used to gather the data. The data gained was then analysed with descriptive analysis such as frequency, percentage, and mean. The findings revealed that above average students had a higher possibility than below average students to use reading strategies. Fascinatingly, the findings also indicated that above average language learners make an effort to utilise effective strategies far more often, and below average language learners tended to be using compensation strategies the most regularly. The findings have noteworthy implications for LLS research for both above average and below average ESL learners, as well as classroom instruction by teachers. Understanding learner differences and identifying which LLS both above average and below average learners used more often and less often would assist teachers to personalise their teachings according to learners’ requirements to support them in becoming better learners. Future research may use the think-aloud protocol to investigate the factors to promote or inhibit this using of LLS by students in “language learning process” to better understand the factors that lead to variances in the use of LLS among learners of above average and below average.
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