International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Fast-Track Divorce Method Used in Selangor Shariah Courts: Achievements and Challenges

Open access
The Selangor Shariah Justice Department’s (JAKESS) data shows that the state of Selangor has recorded the highest percentage of divorce applications compared to other states in Malaysia. Thus, delays in resolving divorce cases in Selangor Shariah Courts is nothing new to this state and this had led to an increase in backlogged cases that are being resolved at a sluggish phase. Therefore, JAKESS introduced the Fast-Track Divorce Method, or better known as fast-track divorce, at the end of 2014 as an alternative solution to this issue. Preliminary research found that the State of Selangor was the first state to adopt this method into its Shariah Judicial Administration system. Fast-track divorce is an innovation or improvement to the existing divorce settlement by mutual agreement process under Section 47 of the Selangor Islamic Family Law Enactment 2003. This study intended to identify the implementation of the fast-track divorce method practiced by the Selangor State Shariah Courts, challenges faced after this system was implemented as well as the reception received throughout the six years since its inception. This qualitative study adopted the document analysis and semi-structured interview methods for acquiring data, which were later analysed using descriptive methods. Findings show that the fast-track divorce method is a relevant and effective method in the Selangor State Shariah Subordinate Courts’ administrative system. JAKESS has several challenges, namely the negative perception of some parties regarding the Fast-Track Divorce Project, especially in the early stages of its introduction, customers’ non-compliance with the stipulated conditions and lastly, empowering the fast-track divorce method. However, this method has received recognition from various parties. Findings can also contribute towards enriching the academic literature for better public reading or act as a scientific reference since there is a lack of studies related to the fast-track divorce method.
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