International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Intention to Use Online Food Delivery Service among University Students in Dungun, Terengganu

Open access

Nurul Syazwani Sahidi, Nuraina Syazana Mohd Shukri @ Alias, Mohaini Mohamed@Naba, Abdul Rais Abdul Rahman, Siti Nur’afifah Jaafar

Pages 399-412 Received: 01 Oct, 2022 Revised: 03 Nov, 2022 Published Online: 01 Dec, 2022
This research was conducted to understand students’ behavior related to the use of online food delivery services when purchasing food via an online platform at a local university in Dungun, Terengganu. The chosen university is situated in a rural district in Terengganu. The motives behind the usage of online food delivery services among university students from rural areas are still unclear so far. Hence, this study worked to fill this gap by examining the factors that determine the intention to use online food delivery services. Using the convenience sampling approach, 360 students were contacted through social media platforms and the link to the google form was distributed to them upon their approved consent. Data were subjected to obtain descriptive statistics data and inferential statistical analysis such as correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis was carried out. The findings concluded that flexible payment becomes the strongest predictor influencing intention to use online food delivery followed by convenience motivation, price saving, and time saving factors. These findings may be beneficial to the food service provider to improve their online food delivery service to offer better service to customers, especially university students.
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