The Cepung Lombok theatre is one of Jero Mihram's masterpieces. An intelligent Sasak Muslim person in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, eastern Indonesia. The invention has sourced a lontar called Tutur Monyeh written by Jero Mihram during the Hindu Karangasem Bali era in western Lombok. Based on the politic-social context and situation, the Cepung Lombok theatre cannot be separated from the social history. Also, the intellectual Sasak during inflaming freedom awareness is constantly related. Each symbol of the performance shown in the Cepung theatre has a close social relationship with each other. The study was conducted using qualitative methods based on interviews with Cepung theatre artists and other important documents. To strengthen the analysis, the Sociology of theatre and literary theories were used. The findings are that the Cepung theatre staging pattern is derived from Islamic values and Sasak culture. The performance staging pattern shows that one of the Sasak people's resistance against injustice is symbolized through the performance staging pattern itself. The resistance is expressed symbolically because the Islamic values and Sasak culture should be well-highlighted to differentiate themselves from the actors of injustice.
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In-Text Citation: (Alfarisi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Alfarisi, S., Purwanto, L., Wulandari, R., & Upadani, I. G. A. W. (2022). The Cepung Lombok Theatre Performance Staging Pattern: Social Relevance of Sasak Society in Performing Arts. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 347– 362.
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