International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Needs of Bullying Prevention Model Based on Sunnah Nabawiyyah

Open access

Amran Abdul Halim, Norazmi Anas, Shahril Nizam Zulkipli, Ahmad Sanusi Azmi, Abdul Halim Remly, Mohd Ahsani A. Malek, Ishak Suliaman, Anaztasia Natasha Muhamad Ramlan

Pages 318-326 Received: 02 Oct, 2022 Revised: 03 Nov, 2022 Published Online: 05 Dec, 2022
The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges bullying as one of the world’s health problems, happening to children and teenagers in between the age of 11 – 17 as the harmed subjects. Cultural factor, social inequality, age gap, and obesity lead to such phenomenon. This scenario carries a serious and chronic damage to the subject’s mental and physical health, which could lead to death, especially in the global education sector. This study aims (i) To elaborate the bullying scenario signs that are happening in the educational industry, their connection to Islamic morals, and the latest trend of cyber bullying that threatens the lives of today’s society, and (ii) To recommend the construction of a new bullying prevention model based on sunnah nabawiyyah. Other than that, the research on six bullying prevention models now in use across the globe revealed no reference of spirituality or religion as the models' underlying principles. Therefore, the creation of a model to avoid bullying based on sunnah nabawiyyah is necessary and advised in the educational field, particularly in this country. This is in line with the Shared Prosperity Vision (SPV) 2030, the National Social Policy (NSP), and the Malaysian Education Blueprint (MEB) 2013 – 2025.
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