International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Manifestations of Arabic Language Creativity (A study in Building and Meaning)

Open access

Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan Othman, Ummu-Hani Binti Abas, Mohamad Zhafri Mohammad Nazmi, Ibrahim Youssef Abdelhamid

Pages 192-198 Received: 03 Oct, 2022 Revised: 04 Nov, 2022 Published Online: 01 Dec, 2022
The aim of this research is to demonstrate the greatness of the Arabic language, and to clarify the testimony of non-Arabs in their admiration for the Arabic language and its superiority over other languages. The manifestations of creativity in the language and its connotations, which represent a problem for many students and readers to understand them accurately. This research resorted to using the descriptive approach as it describes some manifestations of creativity in the Arabic language, namely the phenomenon of objection, the phenomenon of omission and the phenomenon of re-mention with its wonderful connotations and the phenomenon of strange words. Then the research came out with some important results. First, including the objectionable sentence in speech that it serves to confirm and correct the speech. Second, the deletion comes in some parts of the sentence to denote neglect and disregard, brevity and abbreviation, exaltation, and glorification. Third, mentioning some words within the sentence benefits the security of ambiguity, confirmation of the meaning and confirming and negating. Fourth, the advent of strange words indicating the connection of the building with the meaning. I recommend to all researchers to research the rest of the aspects of the language that indicate its creativity and greatness and to apply it to texts from the Qur’an and the Prophetic Sunnah, and to study the effect of clues in understanding the intended meaning of God Almighty’s words.
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