International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Past and Current Practices of Waqf of Health in Malaysia's Higher Education Institutions (HEI)

Open access

Mohamad Khairul Izwan Rifin, Noor Aznaim Abd Latib, Afiffudin Mohammed Noor, Mohd Syakir Bin Mohd Taib

Pages 101-110 Received: 01 Oct, 2022 Revised: 03 Nov, 2022 Published Online: 05 Dec, 2022
Since the height of Islam, Higher Education Institutions (HEI) have been growing in accordance with the expansion of the educational and healthcare systems. HEI is seen as a location that acts as a hub for the exchange of information, the growth of the human personality, and as a driver of the regional socio-economic system. The instrument of waqf and endowment for higher education and health is extensively utilised as one of the strategies in assuring the stability of management and the integrity of its administration with the rise of HEIs controlled by various governments based on the concept of Islamic legislation. The purpose of this research is to describe how waqf of health and endowments for higher education and health have grown at HEIs or colleges that rely on endowment support. The researcher conducted interviews with officers who oversee the department or unit of higher education and health endowment in particular, identified HEIs and used qualitative methods to assess the data. The study's findings identified a number of significant concerns with administering and growing endowments for higher education and healthcare at HEIs, including funding and financial issues, lack of expert staff, and problems with trustee collaboration. The management of HEI must analyse how the endowments for education and health were managed during the height of Islam in order to reapply it in line with modern advancements and Islamic ideals. The researcher comes to the conclusion that HEIs must continue to develop and be prepared to handle any problems that arise when implementing higher education.
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