International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Framework for Assessing the Impact of CCTV Surveillance Systems on Crime Prevention

Open access
This study addresses several critical challenges associated with the deployment of CCTV cameras, including a general lack of understanding about their operation, insufficient IT security knowledge, and a misalignment in perceptions among various stakeholders regarding public safety maintenance. These issues have sparked extensive debates over the efficacy of CCTV surveillance strategies, particularly against the backdrop of increasing community unrest. With technological advancements, the potential benefits derived from implementing CCTV systems in various nations have come under scrutiny. Moreover, this research investigates the influence of factors such as location, institutional frameworks, social values, policies, centralized monitoring, technical capabilities, authority control, and privacy concerns on the effectiveness of CCTV systems in crime prevention. An integrated model is employed to assess these impacts. Empirical findings from the survey indicate significant correlations among the chosen variables, enhancing the effectiveness of CCTV usage. The study proposes a comprehensive Smart City Surveillance System Effectiveness Framework, aimed at monitoring not just major and significant cities but the entire nation.
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