International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Knowledge Management's Impact of Transformational Leadership on Dubai Tourism Police Performance

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Ensuring the safety of tourists is a crucial priority in nations known for their tourism and leisure industries. To protect the wellbeing of the large influx of visitors, many of these countries have established specialized tourist police units. The effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, including the tourist police, is vital for maintaining a secure environment for both tourists and international visitors. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government acknowledges the critical role of effective policing in safeguarding its citizens. Various international studies indicate that unexpected assaults on both locals and foreigners are more frequent in the absence of adequate security measures. Often, police are unable to avert these crimes due to deficient enforcement strategies. This underscores the necessity of examining leadership roles within the context, particularly the impact of transformational leadership on policy results. Such examination aids UAE policymakers and police agency leaders in making informed decisions through the integration of knowledge management. To explore these dynamics, quantitative research methods were utilized to scrutinize the interplay among these factors. Police officers from Dubai City comprised the study's participants, with 422 valid responses gathered via purposive sampling for the questionnaire during the research phase. Findings reveal that transformational leadership significantly influences knowledge management (KM) and police effectiveness, with KM playing a critical mediating role in enhancing police operations through transformational leadership. The evidence underscores the value of transformational leadership in policing, elucidating its growing adoption by law enforcement agencies to diminish crime rates and bolster police efficacy. This study not only enriches the academic discourse on policing but also proposes a novel framework for enhancing law enforcement strategies in Dubai's police departments. The implications are both theoretical and practical, highlighting how transformational leadership can better equip police officers to meet the expectations of the Emirati community effectively.
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