International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Affecting Customers Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Citizenship Behavior

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Customers' satisfaction within the Palestinian insurance sector is currently facing significant challenges. Recent data reveals a notable trend of discontent among customers, with 55% transitioning to different insurers within a span of less than three years. Additionally, 44% of customers are contemplating a switch, and 30% perceive the quality of their current insurance services as substandard. Prior studies have inadequately addressed the impact of internal organizational factors on client satisfaction. This study explores the mediating role of citizenship behaviors in the relationship between internal communication, recruitment and selection practices, and client satisfaction. The findings demonstrate that the model successfully explains substantial variances in client satisfaction (40.5%) and citizenship behaviors (36.7%), confirming the model's predictive reliability. The study establishes that effective internal communication and well-structured recruitment and selection processes significantly influence employee citizenship behaviors. These behaviors, in turn, have a profound positive effect on client satisfaction. The analysis accentuates the critical mediating role of citizenship behaviors in elevating client experiences, highlighting organizations' need to implement effective communication strategies and recruitment policies that promote a culture of positive organizational behavior. According to the current study's findings, insurance businesses in Palestine need to focus more on improving internal communication as well as recruiting and selection to address the current customers' satisfaction issues. This research enriches knowledge by empirically validating the mediating role of citizenship behaviors in the relationship between internal organizational practices and client satisfaction.
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