International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Collaborative Capability and Competitiveness of Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Firms in Kenya

Open access
A thriving pharmaceutical sector contributes to economic development by creating employment opportunities, fostering local innovation, and reducing dependency on imports and thus, understanding collaborative capability dynamics can contribute to the sector's overall growth and its positive impact on Kenya's economy. This study was carried out to determine the influence of collaborative capability on the competitiveness of manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study used both descriptive and explanatory research designs. The population for this census study was all the 31 local manufacturing pharmaceutical firms in Kenya. The CEOs or managing directors, finance, human resource, marketing, operations and quality compliance managers were the target respondents. Data was collected using questionnaires. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) aided in analysis where both descriptive and inferential statistics were conducted. Results showed that respondents agreed that collaborative capability had an impact on competitiveness of local pharmaceutical manufacturing firms in Kenya. Further, collaborative capability was significantly related to competitiveness of local pharmaceutical manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study ascertained the need for collaboration between pharmaceutical manufacturing firms its suppliers, researchers, and other experts in the pharmaceutical industry. The study recommended collaboration between pharmaceutical manufacturing firms and suppliers, researchers, and other experts in the pharmaceutical industry. This collaboration minimizes the risk of production disruptions, shortages, or delays, ensuring that quality pharmaceutical products are manufactured and delivered on schedule. There is need for undertaking in-depth case studies of successful collaborative initiatives among pharmaceutical firms in Kenya.
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