International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Investigation into Culture Shock and Social Support Among Thai Students in Chinese Universities

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This study explores the culture shock and social support among Thai students studying in universities in Chongqing, China. Data collection and analysis were conducted through semi-structured interview and NVivo with 10 Thai students from three universities in Chongqing. The results indicate that Thai students experience culture shock in terms of environment, language, culture, and academics. Universities, student organizations, friends, and family serve as resources of social support for Thai students. Among these social support, family and friends are the preferred resources for assistance, while university support is crucial for international students’ adaptation to the new environment. The study suggests that international students should adequately prepare before arriving to the host country. Additionally, host universities should deepen their understanding of the difficulties and needs of international students, and enhance social support services. Finally, the significance, limitations, and future directions of this study are discussed.
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