International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Systematic Review on the Tools Used in Teaching Writing Skills in ESL Classrooms

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Mastering writing skills is one of the most strenuous tasks for second language students. The students need to acquire and learn all four English language skills, which include writing, throughout their secondary education as English will also be utilised in tertiary education. Due to this pressure, the students grapple to master the language. However, due to some interventions using writing tools, students can master one of the major language skills. Thus, this paper presents an analysis of a systematic review based on the past studies on writing tools implemented in ESL classrooms. The studies reviewed are from the year 2018 until 2021, with a total number of 16 articles. This systematic review attempts to identify the tools used in teaching writing skills. There are a myriad of tools used to enhance students’ writing skills. Both ICT and non-ICT writing tools are utilised based on the articles selected. This review presents the effectiveness of utilising the writing tools in enhancing writing skills among ESL learners. The results reveal that these tools significantly affected students’ writing skills and progress in ESL classrooms. Lastly, this systematic review also includes the disadvantages of using writing tools in writing lessons.
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