International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Getting Through ZPD in Collaborative Writing: The Case for Online Learning

Open access

Noor Hanim Rahmat, Nursyuhada Zakaria, Maisarah Noorezam, Nadzrah Sa’adan, Nursuhaila Ibrahim

Pages 1621-1632 Received: 21 Nov, 2022 Revised: 23 Dec, 2022 Published Online: 25 Jan, 2023
The writing process is a development that progresses as a problem-solving activity by the writer to make the best decisions to convey his/her ideas to the audience. Writing uses both oral and written language to complete. One addition to online writing is collaborative writing. However, transitioning from individual writing to group writing will put the learners in the zone of proximal development. In addition to that, the emergence of online mode has made collaborative work problematic. This study is done to investigate the perception of language learners on online group writing. Specifically, this study is done to explore how online collaborative writing can reduce the zone of proximal development in learning. The sample chosen was undergraduates who attended a semester of academic writing course. They were taught to write collaboratively via online mode. At the end of the semester, they responded to the survey prepared. The survey has 38 items (not including the demographic profile in the survey. Section A has 13 items on Technology and Tools, section B has 13 items on Knowledgeable others section D has 12 items on Interaction. Findings revealed the zone of proximal development (ZPD) is facilitated through the inclusion of technology and tools, the presence of more knowledgeable others and also through interactions. Findings of this study have interesting implications in the teaching of collaborative writing via online.
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