International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Consumer Rights Protection from Islamic Overview

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Undeniable that the trend of modern human thought currently has produced a variety of creativity and the latest technology creations in the marketplace that attract desire and consumer needs. Modern technologies are increasingly living in a user trading environment has triggered a new phenomenon for the future of consumer protection especially in Malaysia when traders took advantage of consumers. However, the topic of consumer rights protection is not as easy as been described by many individuals because specific legislations related to nutrition, equipment, and measurement have been sufficient to protect consumer rights and inadequate to counterpart the rapid development and circulation of immobilization of boundless technology. This paper examines ways to protect consumer rights as outlined by Islamic legislation by considering the impact of globalization, trade liberalization, and sustainable use. In addition, this paper aims to ensure that any laws related to consumers contain a provision that guarantees welfare and user prosperity. This study finds that the development of technology needs to be taken off by government bodies and other institutions to watch and protect accordingly consumers as well as study all legal provisions and likewise.
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