International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Problem of Al-Qadr And Human Acts (Af’al Al-‘Ibad) According to Al-Ash’ari and it’s Relation with Sunnatullah

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The problem of al-qadr was once discussed by the scholars of kalam as early as the 80th century Hijrah again, where the Qadariyyah and Mu’tazilah argued that Allah s.w.t were not associated with the human acts, while the Jabariyyah was the opposite. However, both extremes of this opinion have been rejected by the scholar of the Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah names Al-Ash’ari. But lately, some of the Islamic scholars have begun to re-issue the problem that Al-Ash’ari has solved by claiming that he supports Jabariyyah’s opinion in the matter of al-qadr and the theory of human acts. This study focuses on the issue of al-qadr and the theory of human acts according to al-Ash’ari. This study also attempts to resolve the people’s understanding of the concept of sunnatullah related to the al-qadr problem which causes al-Ash’ari to be accused of being Jabariyyah. This study uses qualitative methods that include content analysis, which analyzed the data from many sources such as manuscripts, books, journals, and comparative analysis, which compare the al-Qadr thought among scholars. The findings of the study found that in al-qadr and human acts, al-Ash’ari appeared in the middle of the two Qadariyyah and Jabariyyah ideas.
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