International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Analysis of Epidemic Management from the Perspective of Fiqh Al-Hadith

Open access

Siti Sarah binti Izham, Musaiyadah binti Ahmadun, Shahirah Binti Said, Mohd Afandi bin Mat Rani, Nadiah binti Ramlan, Najmuddin Mazlan

Pages 1173-1189 Received: 21 Nov, 2022 Revised: 24 Dec, 2022 Published Online: 25 Jan, 2023
A plague is a disease that spreads rapidly and infects everyone with relative ease. Advice on the epidemic, its transmission, how to combat it, and the role of people and society have been discussed. The evidence can be observed in authentic hadiths. Cholera is the disease stated in the hadith that is classified as an epidemic. In reality, the guide that His Majesty s.a.w. and his companions created demonstrates that, in the phase of facing the cholera epidemic, it can serve as a guide for anybody in different eras and places while facing an epidemic. Consequently, it is vital to emphasise the significance of this study. It provides a detailed handbook for the management of epidemics. This study is qualitative, which is a method of library research data collection. Analysis of the content discovered in the sahih book of al-al-Tibb Bukhari's chapter and the authentic book of Muslim's al-Salam chapter is the primary method of data analysis. While the study's analysis is descriptive. From the 224 hadiths in al-sahihain, this study’s outcomes reveal three essential components of epidemic control. Management from a mental perspective, management from a physical perspective, and management from an emotional perspective comprise these elements. Using the Quran and hadith as a guide, the planned additional research includes the creation of manual recommendations for epidemic management systems.
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