International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Teachers’ Perceived Knowledge in Developing Critical Thinking in the Literature Classroom

Open access

Ratnawati Mohd Asraf, Nur Hazwani Hanafi, Nadya Supian, Aizan Yaacob, Ida Suryani, Emilia Effendy

Pages 1159-1172 Received: 15 Nov, 2022 Revised: 16 Dec, 2022 Published Online: 17 Jan, 2023
Critical thinking skills play a vital role in making sound decisions, developing creative and innovative thinking, and producing graduates and members of society who can contribute effectively to the country's development. Hence, teachers should develop these skills among their students as they are crucial in producing graduates capable of solving problems and proposing innovative solutions to problems in their lives and society. This paper describes the results of a study aimed at ascertaining how teachers from six Malaysian secondary schools felt about their knowledge and ability in teaching and developing critical thinking skills in the literature classroom. The paper concludes with the implications of the findings in developing students’ critical thinking ability.
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