International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Post-Aristotelian Story Paradigm and its Influence on Malaysian Computer-Animated Television Series

Open access
The storytelling model is an essential element in the story-building process and serves as a guide for constructing the story’s plot, order, conflict, and direction. There are numerous story structures available, and the storytelling model employed in the story-building process serves as the guiding principle for structuring the story. Aristotle’s three-act structure developed thousands of years ago, is regarded as the most fundamental and is still used today as a guide for structuring a story. This paper examines the influence of the post-Aristotelian story paradigm on the storytelling development of computer-animated television series produced in Malaysia between 2010 and 2019. In order to comprehend the storytelling development, the utilisation of the storytelling model and story arc approach were identified. Qualitative indirect observation and purposive sampling were employed to select local animated television series. Forty episodes of the local animated television series were subjected to empirical analysis, and ATLAS.ti 8 was used to analyse the data. The findings of this study suggest that the post-Aristotelian story paradigm significantly influences the development of storytelling and will serve as the foundation for proposing a storytelling model for computer-animated television series in Malaysia.
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