International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Determinants of Consumer Impulse Purchase in Live Streaming Commerce in China: A Conceptual Analysis

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Live streaming commerce, which combines the features of live streaming and e-commerce, is booming in China. The omnipresence of impulse purchases among live streaming commerce consumers is evident. Due to the adequacy of the literature that has not been extended to consumers’ impulse purchases in live streaming commerce; this study develops a conceptual model to investigate the determinants of consumers’ impulse purchases in China. Drawing on the Social Impact Theory model, this study examines how para-social interaction, social presence from the perspective of platform, live streamers and other viewers, and telepresence influence consumers’ impulse purchases in live streaming commerce platforms in China. This study will aid live streamers and online merchants in their understanding of how to enhance consumer purchasing. Additionally, it serves as a guide for developing a live streaming business in other countries.
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