International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Conceptual Framework of Cash Waqf Awareness in Malaysia Using Theory of Planned Behavior

Open access

Maymunah Ismail, Maizatul Saadiah Mohamad, Shahiszan Ismail, S. Salahudin Suyurno, Fatimah Hashim

Pages 1049-1057 Received: 12 Nov, 2022 Revised: 15 Dec, 2022 Published Online: 16 Jan, 2023
The important function of Cash Waqf is to achieve the economic balance of a nation which aim to alleviate poverty and promote socioeconomic development. The improvement in cash waqf awareness as a charitable endowment fund among Muslims would benefit designated beneficiaries such as the donors, family institutions and other individuals. In term of research methodology, the researchers discussed the empirical support of various literature which recognize the use of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). A conceptual framework which adopts three original constructs comprising of attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control in predicting intention towards cash waqf awareness are suggested. The findings of this study is expected to add to the body of knowledge on the guidelines regarding how cash waqf awareness could be promoted among Muslims in Malaysia. Essentially this effort is expected to empower cash waqf for ummah development and serve as a strong economic instrument in stabilising economic wellbeing among Muslim.
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