International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Mind Matters: Protecting The Mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing of Employees

Open access
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly altered social and working environments in many ways. It has been established that social distancing policies, mandatory lockdowns, isolation periods, the fear of becoming ill, and the loss of income have significantly impacted people's mental health. Changes in working conditions have certainly been a determining factor in helping staff cope with mental health challenges. The law should guide modifications in the workplace, and the contention is that the law protects individuals from injustice and harm. This paper examines how the law considers mental health and dictates acceptable changes in the workplace. Based on doctrinal research, we critically evaluate existing laws and policies in Malaysia which focus on workers' rights related to mental health in the workplace. For purposes of comparison and locating Malaysian law on mental health in a regional context, we also examined legislation in neighbouring Indonesia. The review suggests strong similarities in the narratives of legislation in both countries, especially concerning laws governing employment law. The analysis also revealed that employers still had room for effective intervention, allowing the law to create more favourable mental health conditions if the right regulatory mechanisms were implemented.
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