International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effects of 36663 Layout and Gender Differences in Writing Narrative Essay among Junior 3 ESL Learners

Open access

Mahendran Maniam, Jagvinder Kaur Swaran Singh, Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh, Shereen Shamala Benjamin Jeyaraja

Pages 713-727 Received: 15 Nov, 2022 Revised: 17 Dec, 2022 Published Online: 19 Jan, 2023
This study was designed to investigate the effects of using the 36663-layout writing strategy among Junior 3 ESL learners’ narrative essay and to discover whether there was any significant difference between the male and female learners in writing the narrative essay using the 36663-layout strategy. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted. The sample of the study consisted of (N=60) ESL learners from two classes at two private schools in Klang, Malaysia. Data obtained from the pre-test and post-test scores were analyzed descriptively. The mean score and standard deviation of the narrative essays were also calculated. The comparisons between the control group and experimental group were confirmed using t-test. The scores obtained from the post-test between the male learners and female learners were also analyzed using univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA). The difference between the pre-test and post-test means was statistically significant. The results from the analysis of post-test data by gender using the independent samples t-test yielded a t-value of 0.371 that was not statistically significant (p = .713 > .05), indicating that there is not statistically significant difference in the post-test means between the male and female students. This study implicates teachers should be trained in terms of the pedagogic approach on how to apply this layout to teach narrative essays in their classrooms for better results. By doing this, students will be more confident and motivated to produce good essays.
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