International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Sex Education According to Islamic Civilization and Western Civilization

Open access

Siti Jumi'Ah Khatibah Jamaluddin, Nur Syafinas Shaharudin, Nur Afiqah Husna Mohd Azhar, Nur Anis Amani Alias, Nur Jehan Kamarudin, Mohd Zulhaimi Habibi, Nur Syafinnas Srafi, Harnela Sulaiman, Nur Hanan Suhaimy, Ahmad Rafizi Salleh, Mashitoh Yaacob

Pages 664-680 Received: 14 Nov, 2022 Revised: 16 Dec, 2022 Published Online: 18 Jan, 2023
Sex education refers to formal courses on reproductive or reproductive teaching introduced in the school curriculum. It is also stated that sex education basically aims to know oneself from the sexual aspect and allows a person to understand what processes take place in him from birth to adulthood. According to the Islamic view, human beings born in the world have been provided with various natures including the nature of sex. While the western view states that it is an educational experience that aims to build the capacity of adolescents to understand matters related to sexuality in the context of biology, psychology, socio-culture and reproduction. Sex education from the perspectives of Islamic and Western Civilizations is important to explore due to the conceptual differences between the two civilizations in addressing promiscuous sex. This study was conducted to see a comparison of the implementation of sex education based on Islamic civilization and Western civilization. This study analyses the factors of the increase in promiscuous sex, methods of overcoming the issue of promiscuous sex as well as the comparison of sex education, each of which is reviewed in terms of Western and Islamic civilizations. The methodology used for this study is a quantitative survey method (with a questionnaire as a research instrument) as well as a review of secondary data from the relevant literature. The primary data obtained from the questionnaire survey were analysed using descriptive analysis technique. The findings of this study illustrate that the main factor to the increase in promiscuous sex in general is due to free association between genders. The method in overcoming the issue from the Islamic perspective is through the role of parents while the Western perspective is more towards the medium of education. Sex education according to Islam is to provide knowledge about the health and well-being of sexuality integral in the education of moral, creed and acts of worship. Sex education according to the Western view is more comprehensive in nature which includes reproductive aspects and effects on sexual activity. In general, sex education is an important education as an exposure to the community, especially adolescents in avoiding falling into the trap of moral decay. Further studies on the conceptual differences between these two civilizations pertaining to sex education should be conducted such as in the relation with individual rights from the perspectives of the two civilizations.
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