International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Psychological Stress of Parents during the Movement Control Order (MCO) and the Effectiveness of teaching and learning at home (PdPR)

Open access

Hamidah Jalani, Nor Adina Abdul Kadir, Mariam Farhana Md Nasir, Izzah Nur Aida Zur Raffar, Sarah Dina Mohd Adnan, Nang Naemah Nik Dahalan

Pages 580-591 Received: 11 Nov, 2022 Revised: 13 Dec, 2022 Published Online: 15 Jan, 2023
The Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented saw reforms in the field of education. Students have to undergo Home-Based Teaching and Learning (PdPR) as recommended by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. However, the PdPR method requires parents to monitor their children's PdPR activities at home. This leads to an increase in psychological problems, especially among parents. According to the Islamic perspective, methods of overcoming the psychological stress of parents during the MCO period are urgent that should be given attention to enable children and families to thrive in online learning. This study aims to identify the cause of parental pressure on the PdPR process and its impact on children's development at home. The results of the study show several identified reasons such as the lack of electronic tools for PdPR, inefficient time management, and external pressure from teachers to worsen the psychological development of parents. In addition, it also directly sees the impact on children's emotional development as a result of being linked to the psychological problems of parents. Therefore, it is hoped that this study can help overcome the psychology of parents and further reduce the impact on children's development in learning.
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