International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Use of Gamification in Enhancing Students Engagement and Performance in ESL Speaking Lessons

Open access
Malaysian second language learners are often passive in English language classrooms. Today, not only English is largely used for communication purposes in the physical world, it is extended to the virtual world too. Thus, it is pivotal for educators to enhance students’ tendency and confidence to speak in English. This paper discusses the importance of being able to converse in English, factors which hinder secondary students’ participation during English speaking lessons, and proposes the use of gamification to promote active participation among upper secondary students A pilot study was conducted using qualitative (classroom observation and interview) method, using convenience sampling. Ten upper Malaysian secondary students were selected at random to partake in the one group pre-post test experiment, and random sampling was used to sort them into pairs. Five students were randomly selected for the interview session. Based on the findings of the pilot study, it was observed that the students were more active and engaged in the speaking lesson when gamification was applied. In addition, students responded positively on how gamification has helped them become more engaged during the speaking lesson. By implementing gamification in English speaking lessons, it is seen as effective in enhancing students’ overall engagement during their speaking sessions. The study recommends English language teachers to incorporate gamification in all four language skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing), Grammar and vocabulary during the lessons.
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