International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Tourism Promotional Video Beijing

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An increasing number of people can now afford domestic and international travel thanks to economic growth, which gives rise to the fact that tourism is now a significant business in many nations. As a result, research on tourism discourse has become a trend for linguistic studies in many countries. Tourism discourse, as a specialized type of discourse, provides information to tourists and persuades potential tourists to choose tourist destinations. With the development of science and technology, the communication between human beings is realized through many modalities instead of a single modality, text, image, music, sound, and color combined to construct the meanings of communication. As a result, people get tourism information through various channels, among which tourism promotional video is the most typical one combining verbal and other semiotic elements. The purpose of this study is to investigate the multimodal features of the tourism promotional video Beijing and explore how verbal and visual elements are combined to represent the destination image of Beijing from the perspective of multimodal discourse analysis.
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