International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Talent Management on Employees Attitudes: Findings from Nigerian Federal Teaching Hospitals

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Extant literature suggested that talent management is positively related to individual work attitudes. This study posited the critical success of talent management (TM) in Nigerian Federal Teaching Hospitals. The study attempts to incorporate components from the talent management practices at individual levels of employees` attitudes, thus, providing a more thorough understanding of the dynamic relationship between talent management practices and employee outcomes in Nigerian Federal Teaching Hospitals. A pilot study was conducted on the Federal Teaching Hospitals in the FCT facilities from the federal healthcare sector whereby a 52-item questionnaire captured the effect of talent management on employee-level outcomes in this sector. Descriptive statistics of the constructs were performed and the data were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 25 software. The results showed that talent retention and talented employees` organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) were the most crucial components of the success of effective talent management implementation in the healthcare industry. This study offers significant guidelines for human resource managers and practitioners in Nigerian Federal Teaching Hospitals to implement talent management practices and improve employee-level outcomes. This study also provides new managerial insight into the impact of talent management on employee work attitudes and performance.
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