International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Knowledge Sharing at Zain Company for Telecommunications in Jordan

Open access
This study aimed at recognizing the impact of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, managing emotion, motivation & empathy) in knowledge-sharing (individual level, organizational level) in Zain Company for Telecommunications. To achieve the objective of study, the researcher developed a questionnaire covering (49) items; the community of study consisted of employees in the company amounting to (700) where (241) analyzable questionnaires had been restored. Data has been collected, analyzed, and hypotheses were tested. Some of the study's results include: Existence of impact with statistical significance at a moral level (P<0.05) for the emotional intelligence and its dimensions on knowledge sharing in Zain Company for Telecommunications. And in light of results deduced, some of the researcher's recommendations include: Necessity of stabilizing the concept of the emotional intelligence at employees of Zain Company for what it has of an important and great role in knowledge sharing through organizing workshops, courses and seminars related with this subject.
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