International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring How Religiosity Influences Motivation: Lived Experience of Malay Muslim Entrepreneurs

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Survival of entrepreneurs in an increasingly dynamic and complex business environment is difficult. Following this, many studies on entrepreneurial behavior were conducted since it is the main ingredient contributing to the survival of an entrepreneurial venture. Various factors which influence entrepreneurial behavior such attitude and cognitive elements have been largely explored, but they were found as less useful in predicting entrepreneurial behaviors. Thus, scholars have called for the focus on motivation and discovered that religiosity can significantly influence motivation which can drive entrepreneurial behavior. Therefore, using an interpretive phenomenology method, this study examines the lived experiences of how religiosity influences entrepreneurial motivation, contributing to his/her survival in entrepreneurial journey. Based on an in-depth interview with two religious Muslim Malay entrepreneurs, it was found that religiosity does influence entrepreneurial motivation, when the informants held to the beliefs that (1) God is there to help and (2) God is the Sustainer. These beliefs influenced them to regulate their negative emotions and developed optimism. Future research of this kind of study using more participants from different cultures, or different stages of business as well as its impact on performance and well-being would be a fruitful study.
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