International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Possibility of the Theory of Knowledge in the Thought of Imam Ghazali

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Imam al-Ghazali is one of the men of science and knowledge. He has his own approach to recognizing reality and existence. The most prominent of what he thinks and believes in from the beliefs and opinions in his blogs and writings, His books even exceeded hundreds, which means that he is a fortress of science and knowledge. Nonetheless, he wrote down his theory of knowledge in a scattered and separated form in the topics of his books and chapters. This article aims to trace these statements and highlight them with consistent ideas in order to identify his cognitive pattern in judging opinions and visions so that we know the extent to which these outputs are close to certainty that is beyond doubt or illusion. The researcher took the descriptive and analytical approach in order to highlight the objectives of the article with integrated ranking axes. The researcher found that Imam Al-Ghazali is a man of science and knowledge and is keen to identify the truth and certainty, the skepticism taken by Al-Ghazali is a skepticism suspicion; It is intended to mobilize the thinking process in raising questions and inquiries to alienate human knowledge and reveal its errors and fallacies. Disclosure, inspiration, and intuition are cognitive means given by God to his beloved people who have cleansed themselves of vices and sins, revelation is one of the means of knowledge, but people vary in it according to the radiance of the lights of the heavens, starting with the prophets and messengers and concluding with the people of purity and clarity from the saints and those close to them.
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