International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Explorative Study: The Challenges of Cross-Cultural Adaptation among Expatriates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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The current progress of technological modernization has further enhanced the increase in the number of international migration movements around the world. The encouragement of international migration is also driven by the policies enacted by the government at the policy implementation stage, producing a dynamic and highly innovative local workforce as well as high demand from industries, institutions, and statutory bodies to fill the energy gap in professional work. International migration is an advantageous approach and has been found to positively impact a country’s economic and socio-political development. Furthermore, the involvement of professionals, especially expatriates who are technologically literate, highly knowledgeable, and have extensive experience in certain fields, not only helps the country’s economic growth but also contributes to the sustainability and viability of organizational management. Nonetheless, individuals involved in international migration, especially expatriates, tend to experience problems adaptating to the cultural environment of the host country due to the differing cultural practices than their countries of origin. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the challenges of cultural adaptation among expatriates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The findings of this study found that the lack of social interaction and lack of cultural interaction are the challenges faced by expatriates while adapting to the culture in Malaysia. The findings of this study also provide benefits to the organizations and agencies of the government i.e. MIDA or TalentCorp in managing expatriate issues in Malaysia in order to reduce the turnover and repatriation among expatriates.
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