International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Antecedents of Resistance to Organizational Change: A Systematic Literature Review

Open access
Purpose-To examine the antecedents of individual resistance to organizational change, supporting theories (models) and research methods.
Design/methodology/approach- Systematic reviews were conducted based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Two electronic databases (Scopus, Web of Science) were systematically screened, all articles of empirical quantitative research examining individual resistance to change in organizational settings were eligible for inclusion.
Findings- 20 articles meet the study criteria. Only trust in management and cognitive flexibility were correlated with all 3 dimensions of resistance to change (behavioral, cognitive, affective). Dispositional resistance to change, cognitive flexibility, mindfulness, trust, leadership, leader-member relationships, participation, communication, and justice were the main antecedents of different dimensions of resistance to change. 9 articles describe support of theories (models). Articles tend primarily to cross-sectional and correlation design.
Limitations/implications-Restricted to two electronic databases, empirical quantitative research, and English articles may lead to under-representation of research conclusions. The findings imply the three-dimensional concept of resistance to change may more precisely explain the relationship between antecedents and specific resistance components. This study provides suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the management of organizational change resistance and fills the gap in the systematic literature review on antecedents of resistance to organizational change.
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