International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Influence Fruits Packaging on Chinese Female Consumers’ Purchase Decisions

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This research aims to have better understanding on how Chinese women shoppers make decisions, specifically how they decide selecting fruits for their families, and how this affects their attitudes and behaviours towards domestic and foreign brands. It is important to have a clear understanding of consumer preferences will help the businesses and marketers in attracting and maintaining their primary customer group. This research using focus groups and able to obtain the opinions and insights of twenty respondents about their experiences purchasing fresh fruits. Data was collected in the Henan city in Hunan Province through structured interviews with consumers who have experience purchasing at major supermarkets and fruit stores. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings shows that positive views about the organic label, attention to fruit safety, and the impression of the significance of fruit features are the most influential determinants on intention to pay a higher price. In addition, consumers are more likely to be willing to pay a premium for fresh fruits if they are packaged in appealing transparent containers. This study shows that the packaging composition of freshness of fruits provides an effective marketing strategy for local manufacturers and 'traditional' marketplaces. We also found that customers place a higher value on green packaging's functionality, such as its portability, reusability, and safety features, than it does on its pricing or aesthetics.
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